Wednesday, December 23, 2015

GIF Symbol Project

Symbol Blog Reflection:

1. My self symbol project concept is to show that I have different personalities. In order to show the different personalities, I had a face reveal another face underneath it. I also have to confetti at the end to show that I am creative. I also added all the colors in each slide to represent that I am outgoing and to show that I am fun and exciting. When I think of colors, I think of someone being fun and not boring. I feel like small things like that can easily represents me. 


3. My GIF file has changed from my thumbnail sketches. I did not have this concept on my thumbnail sketches. I wanted to do something with a girl and different glasses on. I kept the same concept of showing my different personalities, but I decided to show it a different way. I thought that the glasses idea wasn't going to turn out the way I wanted it to come out. So I decided that I wanted to do something like my final project to come out. I added the face and hair to add more of a person like quality. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Transformation Project


1. The concept of my project is dancing. Since I dance, I thought it would be interesting to do my project about dance, which is something I love to do. Then I thought it would be clever to make the background something about the Irish aspect of it. I thought it would funny to add the pot of gold because people always make fun of me. The think because I Irish dance, I am a leprechaun.  

2. Shannon ft. Ireland

3. I am happy with the results. I knew I wanted to use the picture of me, but I wanted to make it funny so I added the rainbow and pot of gold. I thought by doing this it would be funny and add something more to the photo of me dancing.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Letter Project Reflection

1. Describe your process. How was the process helpful or not so helpful to you? Show us your brainstorming ideas and thumbnail sketches. How did you arrive with your concept/idea for your letter? Did the peer feedback help? Show us your brainstorming ideas, thumbnail sketches, and two drafts.
  • I felt like the process was long, but necessary. It wasn’t a quick and easy project because there was a lot that went into it. Before I could even begin my project, I had to create twenty thumbnail sketches in order to decide which one I wanted to do for my final project. By creating these thumbnail sketches, I was able to look at all the different ideas I could choose from to do this project. Even though it took forever to complete, it helped me in the long run when I needed to choose what to do. I arrived with the idea to make a candle to represent the letter “I” with the help of Ms. Lee. She thought of a candle and then the flame to be used as the dot in the “I.” I felt like the peer feedback I got back helped me decide which thumbnail sketch was the best out of all of them. It gave me the chance to get another person’s perspective on my project.

2. What did you do to represent your concept visually in your design? (Give 2 examples and post close up and full design images)
-What I did to represent my concept visually was use the candle stick as and lowercase “i” part, and then use the flame as the dot in the “i.” This was a good representation of the lowercase “i.”

3. What was the most challenging aspect of this project for you? Why?
  • I feel like the most challenging aspect for this project was coming up with the design to blend in the letter “I.” I felt like there was so much I could do with an upper case “I” but not a lot to do with the lower case. It was difficult because I wanted to get both aspects of the two letters so I could choose which one I liked the best. I am glad that I talked with Ms. Lee because she gave me ideas for a lowercase “i.”

4. Are you satisfied with your project? Explain your answer.
  • I am satisfied with my project because I feel like the idea I went with accurately represents my letter. You would never know what the project was or that it was the letter “I” becuase it is hidden. It looks like I was just drawing a candle on a table. I am happy that my candle is also colorful and different. If the candle was white or yellow, it would of came out differently. Using pink and blue stripes on the candle made it pop off the page.
5. If you can change anything about your design, what would you change or do differently?
  • I do not think I would change anything about my design because I think it came out well. If I had to really choose something, I would maybe make it and uppercase “I” next time, just so it is something different and I could create a hockey game on the bottom line in the “I.”




Sunday, September 27, 2015

My Summer (2015)

My name is Shannon Maher and I am a senior in Millennium High School. I have been Irish Dancing for 14 years and I compete all the time. I also like to swim and play softball as well as hanging out on the beach with my friends and family.

Over the summer, I worked at two different summer camps. The first camp I worked at was an Irish Dance Camp at my dance studio. I had so much fun working with the children and the other co counselors. It was a great experience to have and it taught me great responsibility. This picture is me with some of my campers!

A place where you will find my every chance I get is the beach! I love the beach and since I can only go for two months out of the whole year, I try to go every weekend. I usually go on vacation to the beach for two weeks over the summer, but this year was different. This picture was taken at Long Beach with Corinne!! Corinne and I hung out every weekend and hung out after work sometimes. She introduced me to a lot of new people and now I have more friends! 

Over the summer, I went on a cruise to the Bahamas for a week. It was my first time going on a cruise and it was amazing!! I met all new friends and I hung out with my family. My mom, dad, sister, aunt, grandma and other grandparents came on the vacation with me. This picture was taken at the Atlantis Resort, while we were walking around. It was a great experience and I was able to do things I couldn't do here in New York!